The composition loses much of its meaning without you having listened to its music or relating it to its videos. Enjoy it all.

(Headphones recommended. Nuances may apply)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shot 59

The only constant in life is change and the only real thing is the now moment: eternal, intact, frozen in life, just as a sculpture. The great dichotomy. 

While you watch (Right click to open in new tab)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Shot 58

Nos tocó dejarlo en tablas porque yo me iba y el tipo estaba atendiendo el negocio. Estos dos la jugaron en menos de 10 minutos. 

 (Déjalo ser, déjalo sacudirse bien -no hay trampa en esto.)

Shot 57

It's good to have her in my life, and I love her...

While you watch (Right click to open in new tab)

Shot 56

Kids that grow up too soon and adults with no sense of value. And the three of us too fucking serious for what I'm concerned.

While you watch (Right click to open in new tab)