The composition loses much of its meaning without you having listened to its music or relating it to its videos. Enjoy it all.

(Headphones recommended. Nuances may apply)

Friday, May 30, 2014

Shot 91

- Jaque, panda, con la reina.
- No tiene por qué decírmelo.
- Dimite o le atraviesan el corazón.
- Pero bien, estoy contento. No estoy perdiendo la cabeza.
- Aquí sí, mire ese mate tan marica (Muestra con la mano).
- Ah, es mate ahora, jajaja. Lo dejé ganar, no sea huevón. (Se arquea para atrás y respira. Descansa  y vuelve al tablero). Igual afuera, ricard. Estoy emocionado. Qué me mate la reina, jaja.
- Ay, qué marica!
- No sea cretino que sabe de lo que le hablo. A ver, lo veo. Sáqueme un mate en dos y le doy el crédito.
- Mate.
(Lo estudia y comprueba). - Bien ganado, ricard. Ahora sí, me jodió la reina...

mientras observa

Monday, May 19, 2014

Shot 89

Pain, relief, darkness, silence, depth, love, meditation, void, joy.

Repeat cycle for emotional detox and motivational side effects u.u

Shot 88

Self motivation, broken expectations, a reality check and a slap in the face.



So you think you're gonna to live your life alone
in darkness
and seclusion
yeah I know
you've been out there
tried to mix with those animals
and it just left you full of humiliated confusion
so you stagger back home
and wait for nothing
but the solitary refinement of your room spits you back out onto the street
and now you're desperate
and in need of human contact
and then
you meet me
and you whole world changes
because everything I say is everything you've ever wanted to hear
so you drop all your defenses and you drop all your fears
and you trust me completely
I'm perfect
in every way
cause I make you feel so strong and so powerful inside
you feel so lucky
but your ego obscures reality
and you never bother to wonder why
things are going so well
you want to know why?

cause I'm a liar
yeah I'm a liar
I'll tear your mind out
I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me
I'll turn you into me
cause I'm a liar, a liar
a liar, a liar

I'll hide behind a smile
in understanding eyes
and I'll tell you things that you already know
so you can say
"I really identify with you, so much"
and all the time that you're needing me
is just the time that I'm bleeding you
don't you get it yet?
I'll come to you like an affliction
and I'll leave you like an addiction
you'll never forget me
you want to know why?
cause I'm a liar
yeah I'm a liar
I'll rip your mind out
I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me
I'll turn you into me

cause I'm a liar, a liar
liar, liar, liar, liar

I don't know why I feel the need to lie
and cause you so much pain
maybe it's something inside
maybe it's something I can't explain
cause all I do
is mess you up and lie to you

I'm a liar
oh, I am a liar
But if you'll give me one more chance
I swear that I will never lie to you again
because now I see the destructive power of a lie,
they're stronger than truth
I can't believe I ever hurt you
I swear
I will never to lie you again, please
just give me one more chance
I will never lie to you again
I swear
I will never tell a lie
I will never tell a lie
no, no
ha ha ha ha ha hah haa haa haa haaa
oh, sucker
I am a liar
yeah, I am a liar
yeah I like it
I feel good
ohh I am a liar
I lie
I lie
I lie
oh, I lie
oh I lie
I lie
ohhh I'm a liar
I lie
I like it
I feel good
I'll lie again
and again
I'll lie again and again
and I'll keep lying
I promise.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Shot 87

Music and lyrics for Pearson

Saul Williams -  Twice the first time.

i will not rhyme on tracks
niggas on a chain gang used to do that (Huh!) way back

i will not rhyme over tracks
niggas on a chain gang used to do that (Huh!) way back

don't drop the beat on me
don't drop the beat no

i am not the son of sha-klak klak
i am before that
i am before
i am before before before death is eternity after death is eternity
there is no death there's only eternity
and i be riding on the wings of eternity like

as if the heart beat wasn't enough
they got us using drum machines now
the hums of the machines
tryin to make our drums humdrums
tryin to ???? our magic
insturments be political prisioners up inside computers
as if the heart were not enough
as if the heart were not enough

and as heart beats bring percussions
fallen trees bring reprocussions
citys play upon our souls like broken drums
redrum the essence of creation from city slums
but city slums mute our drums and our drums become humdrums
cuz city slums have never been where our drums are from
just the place where our daughters and sons become
offbeat heartbeats
slaves to city streets
and hearts get broken and heartbeats stop
broken heartbeats become breakbeats for niggas to rhyme on top, but..

i won't rhyme on top no tracks
niggas on a chain gang used to do that (Huh) way back

i won't rhyme over tracks
niggas on a chain gang used to do that (Huh) way back

don't drop the beat no
don't drop the beat noooo

not untill you've listen to Rakim on a rocky mountain top
have you heard hip hop
extract the urban element which created it
and let a open wide country side illustrate it
riding in a freight train
in the freezing rain
listening to Coltrane
my reality went insane
and i think i saw Jesus
he was playing hopscotch with Betty Carter
who was cursing him out
in a scat-like gibberish for not saying 'butterfingers'
and my fingers run through grains of sand
like seeds of time
the pains of man
the frames of mind
which built these frames
which is the structure of my urban superstructure
the trains and planes can corrupt and obstruct your planes of thought
so you that forget how to walk through the woods
which ain't good cuz you ain't never walked through the trees
listenin' to nobody beats the biz and you ain't never heard hip hop

and you must stop that damn track from going...
please don't drop the beat
don't drop the beat nooo


i will not rhyme on tracks
niggas on a chain gang used to that (huh) way back

don't drop the beat noooo

don't drop the beat no
don't drop the beat no
don't drop the beat
my heartbeat
goes on
and on
and on...


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Shot 86

 Volviéndome a enamorar.

(On friendship)

This is an old pick probably 2 years old. We're all at old Simon's and Scott's place at one of our infamous New Year's parties. One of the most beautiful moments I've had the chance to witness. Dani is just telling us a story, I'm listening as I'm shooting away, pretending to learn. We're all in such a relaxed atmosphere and state of trust that rather than moving or being bothered by Scott's feet hitting him Dani decides to rock the hammock with the certainty that the story he's telling us will work as a lullaby for Scott who's about to fall sleep or roll another joint. keeping in mind that those two have been friends for years I saw in that action a gesture of brotherhood and complete openness.

Falling in love again? Yup: Friendship, lovers, family, land (Ohhhh, ohhh, ohhh, sweet land of miiine), people. I've become much of a family man without knowing it or really even being it. That is, taking care of others without  asking for their permission. I'm starting to get something out of simply giving to complete strangers. Love's taken a much wider context and meaning. It has become its own meditation.

This local story is not so much of an out-there guy these days (even though life remains consistent). But I'm pretty sure he's going somewhere.

I am.
Over and out.

(High five for the perfect night with Sada, m'boy)