Volviéndome a enamorar.
(On friendship)
This is an old pick probably 2 years old. We're all at old Simon's and Scott's place at one of our infamous New Year's parties. One of the most beautiful moments I've had the chance to witness. Dani is just telling us a story, I'm listening as I'm shooting away, pretending to learn. We're all in such a relaxed atmosphere and state of trust that rather than moving or being bothered by Scott's feet hitting him Dani decides to rock the hammock with the certainty that the story he's telling us will work as a lullaby for Scott who's about to fall sleep or roll another joint. keeping in mind that those two have been friends for years I saw in that action a gesture of brotherhood and complete openness.
Falling in love again? Yup: Friendship, lovers, family, land (Ohhhh, ohhh, ohhh, sweet land of miiine), people. I've become much of a family man without knowing it or really even being it. That is, taking care of others without asking for their permission. I'm starting to get something out of simply giving to complete strangers. Love's taken a much wider context and meaning. It has become its own meditation.
This local story is not so much of an out-there guy these days (even though life remains consistent). But I'm pretty sure he's going somewhere.
I am.
Over and out.
(High five for the perfect night with Sada, m'boy)
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